About Me

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I have graduated from Coleman School of Behavioral Science (CSBS); holding a diploma in Sport and Exercise Science (UK Blackburn College). I am actively doing consultation and coaching for individual interested in fitness, health and wellness and areas of athletes' performance. Other certification that i hold, includes: NCAP level 1, AED & CPR cert, Medical orderly cert, Strength & Conditioning for athletes (basic level), 'C' license coach in tuchoukball and Class 3 FAS refereeing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

speed,agility and power training

I believe that strength and conditioning plays an important role in every sports. It gives the athletes the most essential training for power and strength and not forgetting educating them the right techniques. Here is a short clips from a listed site that shows some pretty good training methods:

This video clip features some useful training used by NFL players & coaches -

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